Office of the Vice President of Equity and Inclusion (OVPEI) - Our Work

The Office of the Vice President for Equity and Inclusion promotes inclusive excellence by working to ensure equitable access to opportunities, benefits, and resources and through engagement with the campus and the community.

Dante James Presenting at Showcase Oregon Luncheon 2018

The work of the Office of the Vice President for Equity includes: 

  • Leadership and coordination for UO diversity, equity and inclusion strategies 
  • Consultations for academic and administrative leadership implementing the IDEAL Framework through campus-wide Diversity Action Plans 
  • Research and reports on diversity issues 
  • Partnerships with UO schools and colleges and other educational institutions to promote equity and inclusion 
  • Partnerships with civic and community groups across the city and state to accomplish goals of mutual significance and advance the university’s mission 
  • Faculty mentorship and professional development
  • Leadership coaching