Our university respects diversity of opinion. As the Mission Statement avows, "freedom of thought and expression is the bedrock principle on which university activity is based."
- The exercise of this freedom also carries responsibilities. Intellectual honesty asks us to acknowledge the right of others to examine our assumptions, facts, and conclusions.
- Intellectual rigor asks that we assess the grounds on which we base our opinions and remain open to alternative analysis. Ethics and evenhandedness commits us to consider the effects on others of what we say.
- We believe we should constantly work to make ourselves more adept at understanding how race, ethnicity, national origin or citizenship, gender, religious affiliation or background, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic class or status, political affiliation or belief, veteran status, and ability or disability affect the way we live and learn, so that we are better able to respond to intolerance and prejudice, which violate our purpose and mission.