UO Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Awards
Nominations for 2023 will be announced summer of 2022.

Equity, inclusion, and diversity are fundamental values we aspire to as a university community. These values were profoundly reflected in the life and work of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Each year, the Division of Equity and Inclusion celebrates university faculty and staff whose contributions to the campus and local communities exemplify ideals espoused by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 2022, we are adding individual and group awards for student and community partners.
Your assistance in nominating colleagues, students, and community partners is an important part of this process.
Selected awardees will be recognized during the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Awards Ceremony.
All UO classified staff, officers of administration, faculty members, post-doctoral scholars, groups of UO employees, graduate students and employees, undergraduate students, student organizations, and community members and organizations who have not previously received the award are eligible. Nominations are encouraged from and for both Eugene and Portland campuses. (Previous winners)
Social Justice “Drum Major” Award
In a 1968 sermon, Dr. King said, "If you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice. Say that I was a drum major for peace. I was a drum major for righteousness. And all of the other shallow things will not matter.”
The Social Justice “Drum Major” award recognizes a faculty, staff member, or scholar who demonstrates a commitment to and engages in equity and inclusion efforts in the campus community. This individual has made significant contributions in improving access and opportunity for faculty, staff, and students on campus by dismantling barriers through putting into place policies, programs, or initiatives to enhance opportunity and success for underrepresented populations.
The Unsung Hero Award
Recognizes a faculty or staff member who gives freely of their time and service to advance the work of equity and inclusion in ways that reflect elements of L.A.C.E (Love, Authenticity, Courage, Empathy). This award honors an individual who mentors and uplifts underrepresented students or diverse populations of students, faculty, and/or staff. They work quietly but effectively for change through selfless service.
Outstanding Student “Influencer” Award
Recognizes an undergraduate or graduate student who demonstrates outstanding commitment to social justice through leadership, scholarship, service, and/or activism. This award honors a student who has served as a change agent and made a tangible impact on the university and/or local community promoting equity and inclusion.
Outstanding Student Organization Award
Recognizes a student organization that actively engages students, the campus community, and/or the local community to promote and facilitate dialogue and social engagement with and between diverse populations.
Outstanding School/Department/
Committee Award
Recognizes a professional unit/group that demonstrates a consistent commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment. This group exhibits visionary and insightful leadership to confront and resolve inequities through strategic decision-making, allocation of resources, and establishment of priorities, demonstrating the commitment to the recruitment, retention, and promotion of individuals of underrepresented populations.
Outstanding Community Partner Award
Recognizes an outstanding community partner (an individual or organization) who demonstrates exceptional achievement and commitment to promoting and practicing diversity, inclusion, equity, and access within the Eugene/Springfield community and/or in partnership with the university.
For more information or questions: deicace@uoregon.edu.