Framework Development History

UWDC 2016

In developing the IDEAL framework, the planning team, led by the Division of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity, consulted with several universities, hosted a Diversity Expert in Residence Program, engaged in a listening tour, hosted a day-long symposium on best practices, facilitated focus groups, and held a campus town hall meeting to receive feedback. Additionally, an independent firm conducted an environmental scan of the UO’s diversity and inclusion climate as well as a review of previous campus-wide and unit-wide climate data. 


  • President Michael Gottfredson affirmed the centrality of diversity, equity and inclusion to the UO’s academic mission. He charged the campus to assemble an overarching strategic framework, including the need to develop metrics and evaluative tools to measure performance and drive accountability. 


  • The Vice President for Equity and Inclusion (VPEI) in collaboration with the University-Wide Diversity Committee (UWDC) presents their report to then-Interim President Scott Coltrane and then-Acting Provost Frances Bronet.


  • President Michael Schill appointment
  • Division of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity and the UWDC work to ensure IDEAL Framework aligned with and supported President Schill’s university priorities.


  • Updated committee report presented to president
  • Final framework prepared by the president in consultation with VPEI and UWDC. 

A heartfelt “thank you” to all members of the University Wide Diversity Committee (UWDC), Division staff, and members of the broader campus community who participated in the development of IDEAL. 



I.D.E.A.L. Reports