Speaker Videos


William Darity & Kirsten Mullen

March 8, 2022
Public Lecture: “Reconstruction, Redress and Redistributive Justice"


A’Lelia Bundles

November 9, 2021
UO Law School Derrick Bell Lecture


Julieanna Richardson

November 9, 2021
Public Lecture: “The History Makers: Preserving 20th Century African American Collections with 21st Century Solutions”



Emerson Sykes

October 26, 2021
Public Lecture: “The Case for Free Speech and Racial Justice: Supporting Black activism on campus”



C. Nicole Mason

October 19, 2021
Public Lecture: “Building the Future: Policies for a Gender-Equitable Recovery”





Freeman A. Hrabowski, III

March 2, 2021
The Empowered University: Shared Leadership, Culture Change, and Academic Success  




Lia Epperson

February 12, 2021
Are We Still Not Saved? Race, Democracy, and Educational Inequality




Kimberly Johnson

February 9, 2021
How Far Do You Have To Go For Justice? Acting beyond the vote.




Khalil Gibran Muhammad

January 13, 2021
The Role of Antiracist Research in the Academy and Beyond




Emmanuel Akyeampong

December 1, 2020
African & African American Relations, c. 1960 to Recent Times: Transformations in Global Blackness



Ruth Simmons

November 18, 2020
Civil Society’s Debt to Higher Education



Guy-Uriel Charles

February 10, 2020
"The Permanence of Racism: Race, Power, and the Architecture of American Democracy"



Janet Dewart Bell

February 10, 2020
"The Permanence of Racism: Race, Power, and the Architecture of American Democracy"



Zena Howard

November 6, 2019
"Cultural Expressions in the Built Environment"





Justin Driver

April 8, 2019
"Are Public Schools Becoming Constitution-free Zones?"



Cheryl Harris

February 19, 2019
Affirmative Action Chronicles: From the Era of Colorblindness to White Nationalism




Bakari Sellers

January 15, 2019
Featured Speaker at the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Award Ceremony and Luncheon.