UO Events
Thursday, January 14, 2021
All day - COVID Testing
UO MLK, Jr. Commemoration Youtube Premier
- MC, Lesley-Anne Pittard, Assistant Vice President, Campus and Community Engagement, DEI
- Land Acknowledgement
- Black National Anthem, Lift Every Voice and Sing
- Morning Meditation with Rabbi Meir Goldstein, Oregon Hillel
- King Commemoration, Yvette Alex-Assensoh, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion
- Musical Tributes from School of Music and Dance: Jackie Cordova Arrington, Assistant Professor of Flute; Natalie North. SOMD scholars
- Inspiration and Motivation, remarks:
- Damien Pitts, Academic Advisor and Diversity Initiatives Specialist, Undergraduate Programs
- Michael Schill, UO President
Go to: MLK Commemoration Video

Courageous Conversations
To create authentic and civil spaces for dialogue around current events centered on social and racial justice.
Facilitated by Campus Diversity Committees and members of President's Diversity Advisory Community Council (PDACC)
Courageous Conversations
After opening remarks, there will four session breakout rooms:
- Living. You are directly impacted by social and racial justice based upon your identity.
- Leading. You are coordinating agendas and organizing members of your department, community or organization to respond to social and racial justice.
- Leaning. You have gained new awareness about social and racial justice and are clarifying your own role and/or intention.
- Listening. You are now learning about social and racial justice and gaining new awareness.
Monday, January 18, 2021
1 - 3pm - MLK Vitual Day of Service: Registration Required
- Participants will begin by discussing how other marginalized identities and experiences intersect with racial justice and how to use your voice, be of service, and continue to work towards equity. Participants will then split into groups for virtual service projects including opportunities to continue throughout winter term.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021
6pm - BE Justice with Nikkita Oliver
- Nikkita Oliver is a Seattle-based creative, community organizer, abolitionist, educator and attorney. She is the co-executive director of Creative Justice, an arts-based alternative to incarceration.

Community Events
NAACP/Eugene-Springfield and City of Eugene Events
January 18, 2021
9 - 10am: NAACP and City of Eugene Community Drive through.
From Serbu Juvenille Center to UO Autzen Stadium. Prizes and swag!
11am - 12pm: NAACP and City of Eugene Community MLK Virtual program
- Including NAACP welcome, UO film, UO Leadership, LCC/UO Athletes, Alaja Ballet performance, local, state and national dignitaries, City of Eugene Human Rights Award presentation, Black National Anthem and more...

23rd annual Martin Luther King Jr. Springfield Celebration and Student Contest
January 18, 2021
SAfER (Springfield Alliance for Equality and Respect) in a combined effort with Springfield Public Schools, the City of Springfield, and Willamalane Parks and Recreation District, will hold Springfield’s 23rd annual Martin Luther King Jr. March, Celebration and Student Contest, open only to Springfield students in grades K-12. Students asked to submit an essay, poem, artwork, photographic presentation, poster, or video, or any other type of art from relating to the this year's theme: "We are truly free when none are oppressed."
In light of COVID, there will be no Springfield march, but people are encouraged to join the NAACP's car parade
The Skanner Foundation 35th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast
Jan 18, 2021, 9 am.
The Skanner Foundation invites you to a MLK Breakfast. This year it will be a virtual event premiering a specially created video edition of the 35th Annual Skanner Foundation Breakfast.
- More Info: https://tinyurl.com/yahuotz4