Latinx Heritage Month or Hispanic Heritage month (official government designation), recognizes and honors the enduring contributions and importance of Latinx Americans to the U.S. and celebrates the many heritages and cultures of Americans from or with ancestors from Mexico, the Caribbean, Spain and Central and South America. The UO honors the culturally preferred and more appropriate term of Latinx Heritage Month and expands events through early November. The term “Latinx” relates to people of Latin American origin or descent and is used as a gender-neutral or non-binary alternative to Latino or Latina.
Hispanic Heritage month first began in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson. It was expanded to cover a 30 day period by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 and is now officially September 15 to October 15. Mid-September was chosen because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Also, Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30 day period.
Read a message from Vice President Yvette Alex-Assensoh, Latinx Heritage Month 2024: Embracing the Spirit of the Possibility of Change, on Campus and Beyond.
Past Events and Activities

Latinx Heritage Month 2022 Events and Activities
Read an essay about this year's Latinx Heritage month by Vice President for Equity and Inclusion Yvette Alex-Assensoh.
Read Around the O's Latinx Heritage Month spotlight story.

Latinx Heritage Month 2021 Events and Activities
- Latino network: Noche Bella
- Fiesta Cultural Pop Up in Kesey Square
- Fiesta Cultural Pop Up at Whiteaker Community Market
- Bailamos Friday Fiesta
- The Music of Milagro: New Musical
Read an essay about this year's Latinx Heritage month by Vice President for Equity and Inclusion Yvette Alex-Assensoh.
Watch videos from Latinx Heritage Month.

Latinx Heritage Month 2020 Events and Activities
- Joseph Pierce 'Beyond Translation: Toward a Queer/Cuir Latin American Studies'
- Blatinx: What is Afro-Latinidad and who gets to claim it?
- Bilingualism: Myths Abound!
- Lyllye B. Parker Womxn of Color Speaker Series
- All Sizes Fit: Latinx Body Images
View the Latinx Heritage Month 2020 spotlight story.
Read Latinx Heritage Month 2020 by Yvette Alex-Assensoh, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion.

Latinx Heritage Month 2019 Events and Activities
Yvette Alex-Assensoh, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, notes in her essay, The UO Honors Latinx Heritage Month 2019.

Latinx Heritage Month 2018 Events and Activities
Read Latinx Heritage Month 2018 by Yvette Alex-Assensoh, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion.

Latinx Heritage Month 2017 Events and Activities
Empowerment Through History: A Reflection on Latinx Heritage Month by Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, Yvette Alex-Assensoh.