
DEI All Staff Collage

About DEI


The University of Oregon's Division of Equity and Inclusion (DEI) promotes inclusive excellence by working to ensure equitable access to opportunities, benefits, and resources for all faculty, administrators, students, and community members.

Our work is guided by the UO IDEAL framework of Inclusion, Diversity, Evaluation, Achievement, Leadership.

We work towards:

  • Diversity: Numeral and symbolic representation of different types of identities and people.
  • Inclusion: Authentic and empowered participation in decision-making processes in ways that lead to equity.
  • Equity: A structural concept that describes a process whereby each individual gets what they need to succeed, including access to opportunity, networks, resources, and support. Equity takes into account where people are and where they need to go.

We are a hub of information and a center for resources and expertise to support equity, inclusion and diversity at the University. Our goal is to promote inclusive excellence through a commitment to institutional fairness and equality, eradication of discrimination and through celebrating and affirming the strengths of a multicultural community. We serve the diversity goals and educational mission of the University.   
DEI comprises of four units:

We have offices in Willie and Donald Tykeson Hall (VPEI and CACE), Oregon Hall (CMAE), and Susan B. Campbell Hall (CoDaC).

Vice President for Equity & Inclusion

About Yvette Alex-Assensoh


Placeholder image
We are a caring and creative team who work to nurture relationships, build institutional capacity for transformative change, and inspire acts of love, authenticity, courage, empathy, brilliance and justice at the University of Oregon.


Facts and Figures

Explore impactful data on diversity and equity that supports policies and decision-making across campus.

Facts and Figures

job opportunities at DEI

Join the Department of Equity and Inclusion as we make strides towards a stronger campus and inclusive community.

Job Opportunities at DEI

DEI All Staff Collage

About DEI


The University of Oregon's Division of Equity and Inclusion (DEI) promotes inclusive excellence by working to ensure equitable access to opportunities, benefits, and resources for all faculty, administrators, students, and community members.

Our work is guided by the UO IDEAL framework of Inclusion, Diversity, Evaluation, Achievement, Leadership.

We work towards:

  • Diversity: Numeral and symbolic representation of different types of identities and people.
  • Inclusion: Authentic and empowered participation in decision-making processes in ways that lead to equity.
  • Equity: A structural concept that describes a process whereby each individual gets what they need to succeed, including access to opportunity, networks, resources, and support. Equity takes into account where people are and where they need to go.

We are a hub of information and a center for resources and expertise to support equity, inclusion and diversity at the University. Our goal is to promote inclusive excellence through a commitment to institutional fairness and equality, eradication of discrimination and through celebrating and affirming the strengths of a multicultural community. We serve the diversity goals and educational mission of the University.   
DEI comprises of four units:

We have offices in Willie and Donald Tykeson Hall (VPEI and CACE), Oregon Hall (CMAE), and Susan B. Campbell Hall (CoDaC).

Vice President for Equity & Inclusion

About Yvette Alex-Assensoh


Placeholder image
We are a caring and creative team who work to nurture relationships, build institutional capacity for transformative change, and inspire acts of love, authenticity, courage, empathy, brilliance and justice at the University of Oregon.


Facts and Figures

Explore impactful data on diversity and equity that supports policies and decision-making across campus.

Facts and Figures

job opportunities at DEI

Join the Department of Equity and Inclusion as we make strides towards a stronger campus and inclusive community.

Job Opportunities at DEI