The President's Diversity Advisory Community Council (PDACC) provides guidance and make recommendations in the following key areas:
- Access and Retention: Assist the university’s efforts to recruit and retain traditionally underrepresented students, staff and faculty, including racial and ethnic minorities; women in science, technology and math careers; people with disabilities; and members of the LGBTQIA+ communities.
- Educational Partnerships: Assist the university in developing and maintaining strong relationships as well as partnerships with underrepresented communities, community colleges, K-12 institutions and business, civic, cultural, social and religious organizations.
- Innovations in Applied Research and Development: Help the university develop additional opportunities for innovative research, teaching and engagement.
- Communication: Serve as a confidential sounding board for ideas and ambassadors for the university, and assist with developing new relationships, new opportunities for collaboration and mobilization of resources that are mutually beneficial.
Membership in the council has been thoughtfully selected to include a diverse group of community members, not only from Eugene and its environs, but also from across the state of Oregon who represent a wide range of interests and links to communities that help the University of Oregon fulfill its mission. Council members will work in small subcommittees with members of the Executive Leadership Team and other university staff.
PDACC Members, 2019 - 2024

Allison Davis-White Eyes
Chair-Elect of PDACC and Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Fielding Graduate University

Michael Alexander
Former Interim Vice President for Diversity, Portland State University and former President/CEO, Urban League of Portland

Leslie Garcia
Assistant Chief Diversity Officer and Assistant Vice Provost, Oregon Health and Science University

Andy Gitelson
Executive Director, Oregon Hillel Foundation

Linda Hamilton
Founder, Oregon Black Education Foundation and former President, Blacks in Government

Kahseuss Jackson
Tribal Council, Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs and Commissioner, Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

Bryan Mercier
NW Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Chris Minnich
CEO, NWEA Portland

Mark Pilkenton
President, StoryMark

Ricky Poon
Assistant Dean, INSTE Global Bible College

Miles Pendleton
President, Eugene/Springfield NAACP

Carlos Sequeira
Assistant Superintendant, Lane Education Service District

Michelle Singer
Project Manager, Native STAND, Oregon Health & Science University

Susan Sygall
CEO and Founder, Mobility International USA

Joe Wahl
Founder, Wahl & Associates, LLC

Ericka Warren
Business Operations Manager, Flowers Family Corporation and President, UO Black Alumni Network
Ex-Officio Members

Yvette Alex-Assensoh
Vice President for Equity & Inclusion

Kassy Fisher
Associate Vice President and Chief of Staff to the Provost

Kimberly Johnson
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Student Success

Jamie Moffitt
Interim President

Lesley-Anne Pittard
Assistant Vice President for Campus and Community Engagement, Division of Equity and Inclusion

Jason Wade
Chief of UO Police Department

Kris Winter
Interim Vice President for Student Life

Janet Woodruff-Borden
Acting Provost and Executive Vice President

Jason Younker
Assistant Vice President and Advisor to the President on Sovereignty and Government-to-Government Relations