Oregon Young Scholars Program

The Oregon Young Scholars Program

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The Oregon Young Scholars Program is a FREE four-year college prep program. The only investment required is active participation in a scholar’s personal and academic success. Beyond achieving a college degree, OYSP prepares participants to be active members of their communities, ready to assume leadership roles in co-constructing a quality life for themselves, their neighbors and their peers. 


 Application Deadline: March 31, 2024

Email oysp@uoregon.edu or call (541) 346-3479


OYSP is powerful and empowering

The goals of the Oregon Young Scholars Program encompass ideas of building, expanding and stretching. They are:

  1. To develop and challenge the academic skills and college preparation of historically underrepresented students;
  2. To increase interest in college and the enrollment of African-American, Asian, Pacific Islander, Hispanic and Native American students, needs-based students, and other underrepresented students at the University of Oregon, and other colleges and universities;
  3. To build a cadre of young scholars who will participate in academic, social, community and cultural activities that increase their ability to flourish in an educational setting, improve study and analytical skills across the disciplines of writing, arts and sciences, and apply new lessons to their lives;
  4. To increase the interest of parents/families in higher education and encourage increased communication with teachers and administrators;
  5. To promote active civic engagement through volunteer experiences and lifelong learning;
  6. To foster a sense of community that is safe and accountable. 

The world of business has long recognized that the establishment of “project communities,” defined by team cooperation, leadership, cross-cultural understanding and a recognition of and appreciation for the diversity of perspectives, best informs successful outcomes. OYSP is organized around a cohort model, where such group collaborations are acknowledged as successful and invaluable in teaching critical skills. Given rapidly changing national demographics and our inextricable relationship as part of a global village, these mentored, on-campus cohort experiences will be invaluable to these Young Scholars as they pursue their future.

OYSP Participation

Participants in OYSP typically enter the program as rising freshmen in high school and remain in the program through their senior year. Each summer, OYSP brings these rising freshmen together, with returning Young Scholars, for a summer on-campus residential experience. The program focuses on providing this opportunity to students of color, students from homes with limited incomes, and students who are the first in their families to be college bound. Acceptance into the program requires a commitment to one’s own personal success, as well as the success of one’s peers.

Oregon Young Scholars come to campus to start thinking about and working toward a college education. During this on-campus experience, students learn how to prepare for, apply to, and pay for college. Scholars also learn important skills in civic engagement, active reflection, and leadership. They will have opportunities to increase their skills in math and writing, as well as participate in smaller cohort groups that focus on a variety of STEM, Social Science and Art disciplines. Academic and personal support continues through the academic school year. Oregon Young Scholars will gain a second family that truly cares about them and their success!

For more information:

Contact: oysp@uoregon.edu




OYSP Summer Residential Program: Past Programs

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Photo of Jonathan Walker at Oregon Young Scholars Program graduation

Jonathan Walker Memorial Scholarship. Jonathan was preparing to start his first year of college in 2017, when we lost him to a tragic accident. He was the epitome of love and compassion for all that he engaged with. He understood and appreciated the value of higher education as a means to being able to support one's family and community. He touched many countless lives in his too-short life.

Each scholarship will be for a minimum of $1000.00 with a goal of awarding several applicants this year.

Click the button below to donate. Once at the site search for "Jonathan Walker Memorial" to donate.

You may also send a check to: Office of Student Access and Completion,1500 Valley River Dr., Suite 100, Eugene, OR 97401. Reference “Fund 797 Jonathan Walker Memorial” in the memo section

Donate to Jonathan Walker Memorial Scholarship Fund

OYSP Summer Residential Program: Past Programs






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