The New Student Fall Retreat
Interest form now available, application to come
The New Student Fall Retreat is designed for incoming first-year and transfer students from underrepresented backgrounds. While engaging with faculty and staff, the NSFR creates an inviting space for new students to build friendships, a sense of belonging, all while learning about campus resources and services.
2025 New Student Fall Retreat Information - APPLICATION CURRENTLY CLOSED
Application for Fall Opens Summer 2025
Application opens for students enrolling for the Fall 2025 school year in Summer 2025.
Enroll now to participate in the New Student Fall Retreat for students starting classes this coming Fall
Questions? Email cmae@uoregon.edu

The New Student Fall Retreat has been on the University of Oregon campus for over 30 years. It is the longest standing bridge program here at UO.
What is the New Student Fall Retreat (NSFR):
The New Student Fall retreat is a FREE three day retreat that kicks off the start of fall term. The NSFR is designed for incoming first-year and transfer students from underrepresented backgrounds. The program creates an inviting space for students to build new friendships, and activities to learn about campus resources and services.
What does it include:
Free early move in to the dorms if living on-campus
Free parking during the retreat if living off-campus
Free breakfast, lunch and dinner during the three days of the retreat
Tours of campus and local excursions in Eugene
Mentorship from other established University of Oregon students
Connection to student services and organizations on campus
Who is the New Student Fall Retreat for:
NSFR is meant for first-year and transfer students to have a comprehensive introduction to campus that encourages them to build community, belonging, and engagement with their peers. NSFR is the only Bridge Program program that allows students who live off campus to participate. Participants have found the retreat a great place to find community on campus and confidently start the school year. The retreat is open to all students regardless of international or immigration status.
What happens during the New Student Fall Retreat?
Students at NSFR get to experience campus before other students arrive. "Retreaters" arrive on campus early, take part in engaging activities, and ultimately familiarize themselves with campus and it's resources. Activities in the past have included: workshops on academics; student panels; faculty and staff QA; and a resource fair.
Who organizes the retreat:
The program is lead by the professional staff of the Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence. CMAE academic counselors focus on providing holistic and comprehensive advising and support. The Student Leadership Team, a team of 10-12 upper class students who are passionate about creating community and belonging on campus, lead the activities and engagement during the three days.
NSFR takes place on the University of Oregon campus. Students who are staying in the residence halls move in early to their hall and have all associated costs of early move-in covered by the program.

Highlights from Previous Years Retreats

The best thing about NSFR was meeting all new people from all kinds of places other than where I am from. I got to make many friends, many of which I regularly keep in touch with and hangout with throughout the school year.

I always look forward to the identity exercises. It's rewarding to see how we open up to one another because it shows that CMAE creates an amazing environment where we create deep connections with all retreaters and staff.

The best thing about attending NSFR was making friends and connections with the CMAE staff.

This opportunity set me up with a million connections and resources I continue to use on campus everyday.
How long has the New Student Fall Retreat Been on Campus at UO?
NSFR has been at UO for over 30 years. We have one of the longest running programs on campus.
How long is the retreat?
The retreat is three days long starting on Sunday and runs through Tuesday of the Week of Welcome. Activities start at 8:30am and running through 9:30pm. Students move-in on Sunday morning and retreat activities begin at lunch that day and continue through the evening of the third day. Students are required to attend all events of the retreat, in order to have the early move-in fees paid for.
Where do students sign up for the retreat?
Sign up is done here on this page when the application is open. If the application is closed you may fill out the interest form. You will be emailed a notification when the application opens.
Can my parents or friends come to the retreat?
Families are welcome Sunday during move-in time and for our family brunch/lunch. After lunch we ask families, parents, friends and guest to leave and refrain from visiting so we can begin our three days of programming. Families are free to connect with their student at the end of the retreat. We will have a very packed schedule for the three days and downtime is meant to be spent building community and creating a sense of belonging on campus.
Where do accepted students check in when they arrive for the retreat?
Students will be able to check in from 9:00am to 12:00pm at the Global Scholars Hall.
Are meals provided?
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided for students for no cost. There is also a welcome brunch/lunch provide for families on the first day.
Where can parents park?
On Sunday there is free parking on campus. There is also parking spaces alongside Global Scholars Hall where check-in is.
Where do off-campus students park during the retreat?
Students will be given a three-day access code to park at the Mill Race Garage.
What do I need to apply for the program?
You will need to be an admitted and enrolled UO student for fall term. You will need you Duck I.D. number (a nine-digit number with the format: 95XXXXXXX) and email. You will have received these items through your admissions and orientation process. If you have questions about it you can click here for more information.
Where will the students be staying during the retreat?
Students who attend the retreat will have early move-in access. This means you will be moving directly into your assigned residence hall.
Where am I staying if I am not living on campus?
If a student is living off-campus they will be returning back home at the end of the day after activities conclude. You will be provided a free three-day parking permit for the days you are at the retreat. Regular campus parking permits for fall term do not become active until the following week.
What do students need to bring?
We do not require students to bring anything to the retreat. However, we do encourage students to bring their backpack, water, or other items they want for a full day of activities. We want students to bring their excitement, engagement, and willingness to participate in the program.
Can I participate if I am a international student?
Unfortunately international students must attend the International Student Orientation IntroDUCKtion session, which is during the same dates as the retreat.
Who is SLT?
SLT stands for the Student Leadership Team, a team of 10 UO students who help plan, coordinate, and support the New Student Fall Retreat. SLT members serve as facilitators, and peer mentors to incoming students. They pick and plan activities for the retreat and lead breakout groups in team building and group games. SLT members must participate in a 10 week training program over spring term. During training SLT members participate in seminars to help develop their leadership, communication and facilitation skills. Many of the seminars are lead by campus partners like The Holden Center for Leadership and Community Engagement, and the UO Counseling Center. SLT members are students who are engaged on campus in a myriad of campus clubs, and extracurriculars that engage their communities and interests. Most SLT members attend the NSFR themselves and want to give back. All students who attend the NSFR are encouraged to apply to be on the Student Leadership Team. Many SLT members have been on the SLT for multiple years.
What are the expectations for Retreaters?
We want the retreaters to be themselves and to have fun at the retreat. We expect Retreaters to stay respectful and attentive staff and to by timely when attending all activities. We want maintain a non-judgmental environment for staff and peers. Participation and enthusiasm is greatly appreciated and helpful to make the retreat more memorable. We ask that students abide by the UO's Code of conduct . If any student(s) violate those policies or exhibit any contribution to an environment that creates discrimination they will be removed from the retreat and appropriate UO offices will be informed if disciplinary action must be taken.
What if I have a concerns about accessibility for myself or my student?
Please reach out to us if you have any concerns about an accessibility issue. The CMAE is very concerned with making the Retreat inclusive and rewarding for all students. We can develop accommodations depending on your needs. Contact info is below.
Where can we find contact information?
If you have any question or concerns about the retreat please send us an email us at cmae@uoregon.edu or give us a call at (541) 346-3479. Back to Top