Professor Naomi Zack
Professor, Philosophy Department
"Professor Naomi Zack is widely recognized in the discipline of philosophy for her work on critical race theory, political and moral philosophy, and the philosophy of race. To my mind perhaps the best example is in the years of support, mentorship, and guidance that Dr. Zack’s has offered to a wide swath of students: undergraduates interested in the pursuit of racial equality, M.A. students pursuing topics in the social theory of race, and Ph.D. students of diverse backgrounds exploring a range of work in political theory and moral philosophy often (but not always) concerning the transformation of our racially unjust society. At the university level, Dr. Zack has been very active in recent years in ongoing efforts to enhance diversity, inclusion, and equity here at the University of Oregon." - Dr. Colin Koopman

Dr. Darren Johnson
Professor, Chemistry Department
"Darren is the strongest advocate I know of in the sciences for advancing professional networking groups for under-represented students working in the sciences. He currently serves as the faculty sponsor for both UO’s Women in Graduate Sciences and, pertinent to this nomination, the OUS (formerly) system-wide chapter of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE). Though not Herculean in his efforts, it is clear that Dr. Johnson goes the extra mile (and then some) to ensure that under-represented groups - Black, Hispanic, women - are properly represented AND supported in STEM fields." - Dr. Michael Haley

Dr. Ellen McWhirter
Professor, Counseling Psychology
"She and her doctoral students continue to work on behalf of these less advantaged college students by creating new personal and academic development opportunities. Her nomination for the MLK Jr. award is based on the entire body of her work, which demonstrates extraordinary commitment to facilitating the success of students from underrepresented linguistic and cultural groups. Hers is an impressive and laudatory body of teaching, mentoring, and research work that fosters the inclusion of underrepresented groups of college going students." - Dr. Randy Kamphaus

Dr. Gabriela Martinez
Director, School of Journalism and Communications Professional Journalism Master's Program
"She is “particularly interested in covering the realities of the most disadvantaged in societies, providing them the space to voice concerns, raise questions, and teach us something we may ignore given our privileged condition.” Through the power of visual media, Dr. Martínez has devoted much of her work to empowering those people she documents in “the service of public interest” rather than producing work that is not “disengaged, observational and merely informative.” Her work is international in scope and compellingly builds on her examination of the relationships between media, power, economics and their effects of the less fortunate in society. All of Dr. Martínez’s work and the courses she teaches are grounded in inclusion and the analysis of issues dealing with race, ethnicity, class, and gender and their intersections with media, politics, technology, and culture." - Dr. Julianne Newton

Dr. Lara Bovilsky
Associate Professor, English Department
""Bovilsky’s leadership also shined during the recent GTF strike, where she showed both rigor and compassion toward striking graduate students. She [has] had a profound effect on retaining students of color [through mentorship and programming workshops and events providing academic guidance to underrepresented graduate students]. Indeed, in virtually every endeavor, she has worked hard to model and support inclusion and equity in the graduate classroom and in all student programs with which she is involved. Bovilsky served on the English Department’s inaugural Diversity Committee, the university Equity and Inclusion Committee, and helped to build the IDEAL plan. She also served on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns Standing Committee for two years." - Dr. David J. Vasquez
Dr. Kevin Marbury
Director of Physical Education and Recreation
"Dr. Marbury participates in the Black Strategies group to understand, discuss and come up with solutions to issues regarding minorities on the campus. He continues to welcome students on campus and off campus through activities that he and his wife put together at their home to give students a sense of belonging." - Anonymous Nominator
Student Essay Winners:
Anna Hoffer
Ethnic Studies Major
Paper title: What Do I Know About Indians?
Nominated by: Dr. Kirby Brown