What is Faculty Service, Promotion & Tenure?
Focus: identifying gaps in understanding of and knowledge about promotion and review policies, process, and expectations; augmenting the role of mentoring in clarifying expectations around promotion; implementing the University Senate-developed recommendations on equitable and transparent faculty service.
Summary of Activities:
- Developed Community Canvas training modules on compiling tenure and promotion review materials for faculty and unit heads.
- Developed and implemented Faculty Mentorship Programs created for career and tenure-track faculty.
- Updating Academic Affairs faculty evaluation webpages with templates and resources.
- At the request of the University Senate taskforce, developing a faculty dashboard for reliably tracking faculty employment information and recording faculty service.
Working Group Members
- Karen Ford, Acting Executive Vice Provost, Lead
- Gerard Sandoval, Professor, School of Planning, Public Policy and Management; Vice President, University Senate
- Lynn Stephen, Professor, Anthropology
- Hank Childs, Professor, Computer Science; Chair, UOFPC
- Chris Murray, Professor & Associate Dean for Faculty Development, College of Education
- Juan Eduardo Wolf, Associate Professor, Ethnomusicology
- Laura Vandenburgh, Professor & Director, School of Art + Design, College of Design
- Rich Margerum, Professor & Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs, College of Design
- Janet Woodruff-Borden, Acting Provost and Executive Vice President, Senior Leader
Turning Data into Action
Dig even deeper into what the Climate Survey has to offer and how our working groups and committees will continue this work.
Next Steps for Faculty Service, Promotion & Tenure