IDEAL Framework Diversity Action Plan Implementation Grants help with pilot or seeding funds for strategies and tactics specifically found in the
Diversity Action Plans of schools and units.

The Division of Equity and Inclusion is pleased to announce a call for proposals for Diversity Action Plan (DAP) Implementation Grants, which support annual diversity initiatives with between $1,000 and $10,000 each. In this Spring 2020 cycle, $40,000 total will be awarded in funding.
Grant proposals will be solicited from diversity, equity and inclusion committees or Diversity Action Plan committees from schools, colleges, or divisions across campus, with support from the unit’s dean, vice president, vice provost, director, or department head.
Proposals may represent opportunities to expand successful DAP initiatives, build capacity for new partnerships between units or to innovate new initiatives that align with the principles of the IDEAL Framework. Proposals that extend beyond a single unit must be submitted and supported by leaders from all of the units. The funds should not be solicited to support activities that are normally supported through other means on our campus.
Key Criteria
The IDEAL Framework Diversity Action Plan Implementation Grant represents an opportunity to implement tactics and strategies in DAPs across campus that:
- may benefit from start-up funding, and/or
- may apply a proven practice or strategy to the UO context, or
- may be the result of new, creative thinking within the unit
We are especially interested in funding proposals that:
- are tightly aligned with DAPs,
- explore cross-cutting identities or issues,
- explore the application of the LACE framework (Love, Authenticity, Courage, and Empathy),
- promote faculty as well as staff engagement and/or
- spread resources across multiple units.
The grant may be considered as a pilot or seeding opportunity, which should (if successful) be sustainable beyond the one-year term, through funding within the relevant unit or through other forms of support, including external grants. DAP funding cannot be used to cover permanent labor costs.
Proposals for initiatives that will cross academic years will be accepted, provided there is a clear rationale for a multi-year timeline and multiple years of funding.
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