CMAE Tutors

CMAE Tutors with a picture of DNA and test tubes

Fall 2024 Tutoring Schedule

Tutoring is Week 2 - Finals Week

All in-person tutoring, except the Science Hours at NET, is in the CMAE center. Please check in for your appointment at the CMAE Front Desk.
Appointments can be made via Navigate or at the CMAE Front Desk 

Science with Sophia

Math with Cat

Writing with Elena







2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Remote)


2:00 PM - 5:00 PM




3:00 PM - 5:00 PM


1:00 PM - 4:00 PM


10:30 AM - 2:30 PM


11:00 AM - 2:00 PM




11:30 AM - 2:30 PM


11:30 AM - 2:30 PM


11:30 AM - 2:30 PM

At Native Engagement Time (NET) in the Many Nations Longhouse (MNL) 


1:30 PM - 3:30 PM



Tutoring is in-person or remote. Schedule a free, 30-minute tutoring appointment through Navigate using the Navigate App or Website: 

In-person drop-in tutoring is also available in the CMAE suite but is contingent on availability

  1. Log in with your Duck ID 
  2. Go to "Appointments - Schedule an Appointment” 
  3. Select “Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence”
  4. Select the type of tutoring appointment (Tutoring: Math, Tutoring: Science, Tutoring: Writing)
  5. Select “Find an Available Time”
  6.  Select a day and time that works for you
  7. Input your phone number and any additional comments
  8. Select “Confirm Appointment”
  9. You will receive a confirmation email when booked and a reminder email the day of your appointment 


Who can access CMAE tutoring?

  • Any currently enrolled UO student or student participating in one of CMAE's Bridge programs. You do not need to be associated with a CMAE program or scholarship to use our tutoring. 

What are the advantages of doing tutoring at the CMAE?

  • CMAE has a dedicated tutor room in our center that gives students the ability to have quiet, one-on-one, sessions with our tutors. Tutoring with CMAE is a good step for students that may feel intimidated by larger tutoring spaces. During your pre-scheduled session our tutors would only with you and there are never more that two tutors with students in the room at a time. 
  • Access to the other services CMAE offers, including drop-in advising, printing, computer use, snacks and coffee, and study space. 

Does it cost anything?

  • CMAE Tutoring is completely free for UO students. 

Where is CMAE Tutoring?

  • Science, Writing, and Math tutoring takes place in the CMAE center in Oregon Hall (central entrance). The tutor room is room 134 and can be found to the left when you walk into the center. Please check in with the front desk staff when you arrive for an appointment or have questions about tutoring. 
  • Limited Science tutoring hours take place remotely and in the Many Nations Long House on Wednesday during Native Engagement Time (NET). All students are welcome to schedule and drop-in for these times. 

Questions? Email


calculator, test tubes, pencil, and pen