Featured CODAC Publication
Say Hey! Event by Oregon State University. November 12, 2021.
Self-Care: During a Time of COVID-19: Continuity and Recovery by Charlotte Moats-Gallagher, Director, Center on Diversity and Community (CoDaC).
UO experts offer mental health tips for 2022 wellness. AroundtheO, January 13, 2022.
6 ways to de-stress that only take 5 minutes by Marguerite Ward, MSN. Oct, 26, 2020.
6 ways to reduce anxiety in times of stress by Marguerite Ward. MSN, May 25, 2022.
8 tips to reduce parenting stress during the pandemic by Leslie E. Roos and Jessica Flannery. Around the O: April 21, 2020
BIPOC Mental Health Resources. CCA, 2021.
BIPOC Mental Health Tip Sheets. Magellan Heathcare, 2021.
Burnout: How to prevent and deal with it, by Angela Haupt. The Washington Post, July 15, 202
Choosing Your Role Model in a Crisis by Ruth Pearce. VA Institute on Character. Accessed April 4, 2020.
Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks flyer in Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, English, Farsi, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Los Angeles County (California) Department of Mental Health, Accessed April 4, 2020.
Coronavirus And The Underserved: We Are Not All In This Together by Lisa Fitzpatrick. Forbes, April 2, 2020.
Countering COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Stigma and Racism: Tips for Parents and Caregivers. National Association of School Psychologists. Accessed April 4, 2020.
COVID 19 Resources: Health Mind, Healthy Life. Accessed April 4, 2020.
COVID-19 LGBTQ Community Resources & Support. San Diego Pride, March 20, 2020.
COVID-19: your voices against stigma and discrimination. Voices of Youth. Accessed April 4, 2020.
Education and Justice Department Warn of Covid's 'Profound Toll' on Student Mental Health by Sarah Brown. The Chronical of higher Education, October, 2021.
Empathy Will Matter More Than Ever in a Post-COVID World by Helio Fred Garcia. PRSA, May 2021.
Exercise Strengths to Cope with COVID Graphic. VA Institute on Character. Accessed April 4, 2020.
Finding Our Way Podcast. Prentis Hemphill.
How COVID-19 is Impacting the Workplace: Resources for employees and employers. Toolkits. Wellness Council of America, Accessed April 4, 2020.
How To Thrive During The Pandemic: 10 Strategies For Resilience Based On Brain Science by Tracy Brower. Forbes, April 28, 2020.
Leading through triggering and traumatic events. Diversity Equity Inclusiveness Consulting, 2013.
Leading Remotely: What Managers Need to Keep Teams Engaged by Sofia Klutch. Gallup, March 20, 2020.
Love, Care, and COVID-19: Telling a Story About Families and Opportunity. The Opportunity Agenda, 2020.
Making Self-Care Tactical — Why You Should Focus on Boundaries, Not Just Bubble Baths. First Round Review, 2021.
Mindfulness for the People: Radically Re-imagining the Mindfulness Movement. Angela Rose Black.
Navigating Stress: Effective Coping Strategies by JINKUI. bewellfinder.com, June 7, 2023
Promoting Health and Wellness in Underserved Communities, Multidisciplinary Perspectives Through Service Learning, Edited by Anabel Pelham and Elizabeth Sills. Stylus Publishing, 2009.
Post-COVID Self-Care Tips for Black Women by Jameta Nicole Barlow. PsychCentral, July 1, 2021
Pushing Back Against Habits of White Supremacy During a Crisis by Kad Smith. Compass Point. Accessed September 2020.
Resources and Tools for Addressing Coronavirus (COVID-19) from the National Council of Behavioral Health. Accessed April 4, 2020.
Strength in Communities 2021 Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month Toolkit. MHA: Mental Health America
Strength-Based COVID-19 Resources. VA Institute on Character. Accessed April 4, 2020.
Stressed out? Here's how to feel better in 5 minutes by Marguerite Ward. MSNBC, October 2021.
The UO offers parents a slew of resources for remote learning by Lewis Taylor. Around the O: April 21, 2020
The Coronavirus (COVID-19): What Trans People Need to Known. National Center for Trans Equality. Accessed April 4, 2020.
The Radical Work of Healing: Fania and Angela Davis by Sarah Van Gelder, Yes! February 19, 2016.
The reason Zoom calls drain your energy “The Reason Zoom Calls Drain Your Energy.” BBC Worklife. BBC, April 22, 2020. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200421-why-zoom-video-chats-are-….
That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief by Scott Berinato. Harvest Business Review, March 23, 2020.
Young, Gifted, @ Risk and Resilient: A Video Toolkit to Support the Well-Being of Students of Color. National Center for Institutional Diversity, June 2020.
Young People of Color Support Guide from The Steve Fund, 2020.

Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Minority College Students. Webinar. Diverse Issues in Higher Education, March 2, 2022.
Part II: Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Minority College Students. Webinar. Diverse Issues in Higher Education, March 2, 2022.
COVID 19: Leading through Disruption; Maintaining Employee Well Being. Webinar. Gallup.
COVID-19’s impact on marginalized communities (Video). Seattle City Club, March 17, 2020.
Exploring Lived Experiences Through the History and Culture of Asian America with Lawrence Richardson. National Board for Certified Counselors Foundation. April 22, 2010; June10, 2020.
Grit: The power of passion and perseverance by Angela Lee Duckworth. Ted Talks, April 2013.
How to create meaningful connections while apart? TED talk with Priya Parker. March 2020
How can we navigate the coronavirus pandemic with courage and hope? TED talk with Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. March 20, 2020
Live Character Strengths & Mindfulness Sessions. Interactive Webinars. VA Institute on Character. Accessed April 4, 2020.
Mental Health Webinars. Everbite.
NOVA COVID-19 Webinar: Mental Health Impacts & Resilience for International School Educators, presented by Suzanne Anderson of Restorative Community Counseling. March 18, 2020.
Psychology of uncertainty and talking to kids about COVID-19 by Michael Smithson, Nicola Palfrey, Martyn Pearce. Asia and the Pacific Policy Society. April 3, 2020.
Race, Racism, and Racial Inequality. Open to All: People of Color and White Allies Groups. Schedule Includes: Sitting Practice, Affinity Group Breakout Sessions, Community Sharing and Discussion, Aspirations and Conclusion, Meets Monthly Zoom |- $10 suggested donation.
Step Away from Anxiety (Podcast). Greater Good Magazine. Accessed February 27, 2020.
Webinars: Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 and the LGBTQ Community. Human Rights Commission. Accessed April 4, 2020.
Webinar:- Self-Care in the Time of COVID NCORE Webinar, May 12, 2020.
WMM Virtual Film Festival 2020 – Now Streaming: The Films, Interrupted Film Series, which features films that had festival and public screenings cancelled. These films will each be available for limited windows, but we will be regularly adding new content so you still have great films to watch. Learn More Until May 31, festival attendees will receive FREE access to select films by women.

Employee Wellness
University Health Center
UO Coronavirus Information
Wellness: Division of Student Life
Coalition of Communities of Color
Equity and Community Consortium (ECC) (Eugene/Springfield)
Lane County Health and Wellness
Mindfulness for the People
Native Wellness Institute