Thuc Vinh
Advertising Major, Multimedia Minor. (Class of 2016)
Home is Portland, Oregon.
My community at the University of Oregon has always been within the community of student groups and organizations here on campus. I've worked in the Mills International Center at the EMU and have been a part of the Vietnamese Student Association and the Asian Pacific American Student Union. Through the connections with other student union groups I've gotten to meet so many people from a variety of different backgrounds. These connections throughout my time in college has helped shaped me into who I am today.
When I first came to the UO I was trying to settle into my new life. I wasn't very involved my first term of freshman year and I didn't yet have a sense of community that I could turn to. That changed when I decided to get involved with Vietnamese Student Association as an intern. Through that I was able to build my on-campus network and over time find that sense of community and purpose.