Onboarding and Training for New Employees & New Supervisors

The Onboarding and Training for New Employees and New Supervisors working group will evaluate the associated needs and priorities. 

  • Will do an inventory of what is currently available (required or optional) and how well both are known and used; the inventory should include what is done in various units as well as centrally.

  • Analyze the HR inventory to determine what is useful, what aligns with best practices, what is outdated or missing, etc.

  • Review best practices and successful training programs at other universities; analysis of resources required to establish or gain access.

  • Analysis of priority areas of training either because they are most necessary or because they are low-hanging fruit for implementation


  • Micah Sardell
  • Patrick Moore
  • Connie Brady
  • Ray Sykes
  • LeAnn Gutierrez
  • Kaia Rogers