January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
Religious Observances Calendar

July 11 | World Population Day
July 14 | International Non-Binary People’s Day
July 26 | Disability Independence Day
July 30 | International Day of Friendship

August 2021
Full Month | National Civility Month
August 9 | International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
August 19 | World Humanitarian Day
August 23 | International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
August 26 | Women’s Equality Day

September 2021
Sept 15 – Oct 15 | Latinx Heritage Month
September 6 | Labor Day
September 11 | Patriot Day (honors the memory of those who were killed in the September 11 attacks).
September 12 | National Native American Day
September 15 | International Day of Democracy
September 18 | International Equal Pay Day
September 18 | National Women’s Friendship Day
September 21 | International Day of Peace
September 22 | American Business women’s Day

October 2021
Sept 15 – Oct 15 | Latinx Heritage Month
Full month | National Bullying Prevention Month
Full month | National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Full month | LGBT History month
Full month | Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Full month | Down Syndrome Awareness Month
Full month | Global Diversity Awareness Month
Full month | Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October 2 | International day of non-violence
October 4 - 10 | National Diversity Week
October 5 | World Teacher’s Day
October 10 | World Mental Health Day
October 11 | Coming Out Day
October 11 | Indigenous People’s Day
October 15 | End of Latinx Heritage Month (starts Sep. 15th)
October 17 | International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
October 20 | International Pronouns Day
October 21 | LGBTQ+ Spirit Day
October 24 | United Nations Day

November 2021
Full month | National Adoption Month
Full month | Native American Heritage Month
November 2 | Election Day
November 9 | 10th- Kristallnacht
November 11 | Veterans’ Day
November 15 - 19 |American Education Week
November 16 | International Day for Tolerance
November 20 | Transgender Day of Remembrance
November 25 | Thanksgiving Day
November 26 | Native American Heritage Day

December 2021
Full month | Universal Human Rights Month
December 1 | World AIDS Day
December 2 | International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
December 3 | International Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 10 | Human Rights Day
December 15 | Bill of Rights Day
December 21 | Winter Solstice
December 26 | Kwanzaa
December 29 | Wounded Knee Day
December 31 | New Year’s Eve

January 2022
Full Month | Poverty in America Awareness Month
Full Month | Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
January 1 | New Year’s Day
January 4 | World Braille Day
January 16 | National Religious Freedom Day
January 17 | Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day
January 17 - 21 | No Name-Calling Week
January 27 | UN Holocaust Memorial Day/ International Holocaust Remembrance Day

February 2022
Full Month | Black History Month
February 1 | National Freedom Day
February 1 | Lunar New Year
February 15 | Susan B. Anthony Day
February 20 | World Day of Social Justice
February 21 | Presidents’ Day

March 2022
Full Month | National Women’s History Month
Full Month | National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
March 8 | International Women’s Day
March 21 | International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
March 25 | International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
March 31 | International Transgender Day of Visibility

April 2022
Full Month | Autism Awareness Month
Full Month | Child Abuse Prevention Month
Full Month | National Arab American Heritage Month
Full Month | Earth Month
Full Month | Celebrate Diversity Month
Full Month | Genocide Awareness Month
Full Month | National Poetry Month
April 2 | World Autism Awareness Day
April 12 | Day of Silence
April 22 | Earth Day
April 24 | Armenian Martyr’s Day

May 2022
Full Month | Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Full Month | Jewish American Heritage Month
Full Month | Mental Health Month
May 1 | International Worker’s Day
May 3 | World Press Freedom Day
May 5 | Cinco De Mayo
May 8 | Mother’s Day
May 21 | World Day for Cultural Diversity
May 22 | International Day for Biological Diversity
May 30 | Memorial Day

Full Month | LGBTQ+ Pride Month
Full Month | Immigrant Heritage Month
June 5 | World Environment Day
June 8 | Race Unity Day
June 12 | Anne Frank Day
June 12 | Loving Day
June 14 | Flag Day
June 19 | Father’s Day
June 19 | Juneteenth
June 20 | World Refugee Day
June 21 | Summer Solstice
June 26 | Anniversary of Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage in the U.S.