Daniel Pascoe Aguilar
Daniel Pascoe Aguilar
Daniel Pascoe Aguilar, PhD. BA in Industrial Design, Master of Divinity, MS in Instructional Design, PhD in Instructional Systems Technology. Career Center Director.
Born in Mexico City and lived there through college, then came to the US for grad school.
Students, alums, administrators, staff, faculty, employers and student parent and family member colleagues and friends invested in the career development of UO students/alums.
Our natural human system resistance to change in our ongoing efforts to become further diverse, equitable and inclusive, and subsequently further collaborative, innovative and ultimately effective in our work. I have the privilege of leading, co-leading or being directly involved in efforts strategically designed to progress in these areas related to student development, including Student Life's Multicultural Organizational Development, UO Advantage experiential-learning Co-Curriculum and interface, UO's Student Employment Enhancement effort, the Tykeson Hall College & Careers Building CAS - Career Center partnership, the Transforming Education effort, among others.